Hi All,

I have a question on an electric motor I want to buy. Here is what I plan to do...

I want to build a fully articulated fortune teller. Imagine under the cabinet a rod with a series of different size disks on it (basically..a cam shaft). Each wheel will have a different function when it turns, and will activate servos via electrical contacts. thus moving arms, head, etc.

What will drive this cam shaft will be a low voltage motor (something like 12 Volts or 16 volts from a transformer.)

A coin will be inserted, fall between two copper contacts, stay there while closing the circuit to the motor, and at the end of the sequence will get push the rest of the way through and turning off the motor.


what kind of motor do I need? I want it to be variable speed to help with the timing of the sequences, and I would hook it up via a belt drive.

Also, as quiet as possible.

What should I look for? Seperate speed control? Amps? (I figured I would use a transformer for a door bell.)

