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Thread: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

  1. #1
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    Here's a project I've been working on for awhile and finally got the cabinet finished. This is my Newgin Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God wing type game. At least that's what I think it's called. I got this game pretty cheap and it was in raw shape, it needed a good cleaning and polishing. I still have so work to do on it, it has some light bulbs burned out behind the boat which are a real pain to get to. If you don't have a newer wing type in your collection, get one. I really like playing this game.

    Photo 1
    Shows the front. Another version of the paint tray style where the spent balls fall into the tray and roll to the front where you scoop them up and shoot them again. Cabinet is made from 1x8 white pine stained with a mahogany and sanded to look distressed...boy does it I don't use a pattern, I just cut to fit with what I have to work with. the dementions are 16" deep x 22" wide x 38.5" high. Pachinko frames are roughly 31.75" x 20.5". I just box around the frame. 16" deep is a good size, mount the pachinko in the middle and the base is stable when you open it up, no tipping forward.

    Photo 2
    Showing the back with the ball chute to the paint tray. This game has 2 ball chutes, one for the spent balls and one for the payout hopper dump. I had to make the the ball chute wide to catch both . Also, you can see how I do the power handling. I like to send the transformer secondary to a common household plug. That way if I want to remove the pachinko, I just unplug it. No need to cut or disconnect wires. Keeps things neat.

    Photo 3
    Top ball hopper detail with front removed, nothing special here. This game doesn't need more the 1000 balls to play so the hopper doesn't need to be very big. Just a funnel to the payout ball hopper. As spent balls roll to the front of the paint tray I move some to the shooter tray and some to this hopper.

    Photo 4
    Back view showing the 1.5" pvc pipe the sends the balls to the payout ball hopper. Notice that this hopper has about a quarter inch space along the back. what's that about? I had to put a back plate along that to keep the balls in the tray.

    Photo 5
    The paint tray. I moved it a little more to the front then it was with the Julie cabinet. A lot more easier to grab balls during play.

    Ok, a little 411 for the new guys out there. How the game is played.

    Photo 6
    The object of this type of game (wing type) is to get a ball into one of the numbered pockets at the bottom of the cell. Get a ball in a #1 pocket and the wings open 1 time for 1 second. Get one in the #2 pocket and the wings open 2 times for 1 second. Why is this important? Because you also want to get a ball in one of the wings when they are open.

    Photo 7
    Shows both wings above the boat open. You want to try to get a ball into the wings so that you have a chance of getting one on the boat. Hopefully it will roll down the middle of the boat and fall through the hole in the back. There it will roll forward again to the front over the blue waves and with any luck into the fishes mouth (the V pocket). The fish is rotating back and forth making it hard to do. If you get one in the fises mouth, it will fall into a pocket when fish rotates left. This will start a fever round that will last from 1 to 5 cycles of 9 rounds. During this time the wings will be opening and closing and you must try to get nine balls in the wings during each cycle. The cycles are timed so if you don't get all nine in you miss that chance and the game moves to the next cycle. You get a payout of 15 balls for each one you get into the wing pocket during the cycle. Sometimes if you are hitting the sweet spot just right, you will get bonus cycles, I have gotten as many as 14 bonus cycles. This game has some chance, some luck and some skill, but lots of fun to play.

    Photo 8
    This game uses the recycled Ford key
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  3. #2
    veneratio million deus Eddie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    Very cool center! Mechanical toys are cooler than video screens in my opinion. thx for the pics any vids in the future?
    Led Zepplin

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  5. #3
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    Great Job.. I like the stain and varnish. What type and color did you use?
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  7. #4
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    Eddie, I'll try to get a video of this game posted on YouTube. It really is neat how it works and the timing involved. A lot of work went into design with this one.

    New in town, I used Minwax Polyurethane stain, Bombay Mahogany. Due to the resins in the white pine, not all of the stain sinks into the wood, I apply a coat, let dry, sand and apply a second coat. The finish is very smooth and I like the way there is some yellow grain showing in the wood. Makes it look old. I'm not trying to make fine furnature here, just a useful pachinko cabinet.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  9. #5
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    Here's a crappy video I made of this game, notice how I cheat at the end so you can see a small bonus round but we wont tell anyone.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  11. #6
    Stuey - The RADministrator MrGneiss's Avatar
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    Default Re: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    If it wasn't your birthday!!

    "Blowing smoke rings at the moon."

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  13. #7
    Pachi Puro Tony Junior's Avatar
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    Default Re: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    Very good video, Musky, thanks!
    Check my member page here or...

    Temporarily, go to and search for BudgeRahe for videos. Until I get the links set up in the museum

  14. #8
    Goodwill Ambassador luckydog's Avatar
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    Default Re: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    excellent video, I like the traditional Japanese music.
    幸運わんわん Luckydog or Yukiwanwan in Japanese

  15. #9
    Fever Hunter kizu76's Avatar
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    Default Re: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    I love the wing-type machines! My Devilman is in the same Newgin frame, and it looks like it plays fairly similar. Instead of the boat, Devilman moves around and his wings open to deflect balls down either side. You still have to get one down the moving center slide to hit the bonus, and then it's a 1, 7, or 15 round bonus. It's dark, and my camera is lousy, but here's the basic gameplay...
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Pachinko- Devilman Club, Devilman (2002), Mazinger Z, Cutey Honey, Golgo13 (x2) , Evangelion: Second Impact, Freddy vs. Jason, Inachu Ping Pong Club
    Pachislo- Devilman, Tomb Raider, Golgo13, Golgo13: The Professional

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  17. #10
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Treasure Boat of Lucky 7 God Cabinet

    Really nice video Kizu, thanks for posting. I feel a lot of the nubies get wrapped up in the digital pachinkos( which are fun to play too) but miss out on the wing types.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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