Yes the fever has hit me bad. I am already looking for my 3rd maybe even 4th, 5th and 6th machines... .

First off how often do machines stay on the market... it there a "buy it by this time or you will never see it again period", there are a couple machines I want and just see them pop up every so often (but shouldn't be spending the money so I hold off), but don't want to pass my chance to eventually get them. Yellow Cab and Magic Party are two of the machines. For everyone who has a Yellow Cab with the Volcano case.... does the case look ok with the machine. Samurai Slot has one up that ends on Saturday and if it is not a big deal I might pick it up.

Second, how long does it usually take for new machines to start showing up over here. The machine I am looking for is Bitsy's Evangelion Second Impact and I just started seeing the first machine show up on Ebay.

And Finally, after seeing everything here the past few days.... I NEED A JULIE'S PINBALL machine . I think that will be my next purchase if I can track one down. Any leads

Sorry it was a long post. Thanks again for everyone here helping me find something to sink all my money into.... I wouldn't have it any other way